Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It's been a long time since i made any pots here, and people have started asking me why. Actually, the basic reason is that i couldn't find any good topic to write on. Then someone could ask 'there's so much going around everyday, and you got nothing to write on?'. That gives me another reason. I's lazy. Ya, sitting here all during Christmas vacation doing nothing but reading, orkutting, eating and sleeping has really made me lazy. And once the new year fell, a quick exile to my birthplace, home turf(guess i can call it so) ensured i kept well out of here. And with a lot of excitement going on with dasappan's article, i guessed i can lie low for some time.

But now that FSF activists are attacking me nail and tooth over a public statement i made(read it here) about the hollowness in their arguments, and an assorted member getting hold of my neck in a futile attempt to thwart me, i decided that i get here and get on.And if any thing happen to me over the course of the next month, please write it on to their account. Bill lacks a martyer in the face of FSF. Not that i have anything against them. Now they say i need to get to know more about it. That i too agree. So waiting for some enlightenment.

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