Wednesday, February 06, 2008

inter zone day 1

Day one got off to a flying start with the cultural procession from students corner to the thekke pradikshina nada of the swaraj round, flagged of by Hon. Mayor of the Thrissur corporation Smt. R Bindhu. Constituting of participating colleges, the procession had all the spirits of a programme returning to GEC after 16 years. Since i firmly believe that a picture is worth more than a thousand words, i'll cut my writing short and supplimet it with some snaps.

These guys were flying out there
setting the beat..!!

Then there was the 'Ormakalile kalolsavam' which saw the get together of the many a inter zone kalathilakams and kalaprathibahas and the many university union office bearers speaking about the inter zone of their times sharing all the nostalgia.

To wind up the day was a satirical comedy drama "Chaki's chankaran" which has won widespread acclaim performed by only two artists, a teacher and his student from the Kaladi University.