Today saw in NDTV about a father in UP drowning 2 of his sons because he'd no other way. He pushed his kids barely 15 years of age from a bridge into the river 'sarayu' which incidentally was also the river chosen by Lord Rama to loose his self from his seventh avatar. His third son had escaped the evil clutches of his father.
Has a man how ever poor he is, bear to even think to drown his children because he couldn't provide for them? Is there no means by which he could at least let them live to see a better tomorrow?
Why is our country like this? Is there nothing called compassion?
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
have i been writing crap...???
My blog is worth $0.00.
How much is your blog worth?
u c dat? i've been rytin crap all this time... ah..!! nice.. it's worth dollerz 0.00.. should i be more happy?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
This is the picture of a small fall just in the backyard of my house. Hope you all like it. It's taken last year during the monsoon.
a new waterfall
Monday, December 10, 2007
Chrysalis.. And end to a long 5 yr wait
Wiki told me that "A chrysalis (Latin chrysallis, from Greek χρυσαλλίς = chrysallís, pl: chrysalides) or nympha is the pupal stage of butterflies. The term is derived from the metallic gold-colouration found in the pupae of many butterflies referred to by the Greek term χρυσός (chrysós) for gold.".
You may ask who the 'we' here is. The 'we' i'm referring to is the one and the only MECHANICAL ENGINEERING department of the Government Engineering College, Thrissur.
The story behind the whole program is so confusing and hateful that i am compelled to bypass the episode for my reader's sake. Anyway, after lots of the usual throwing mud at each other, we decided to conduct the program on monday, despite our series tests being scheduled for the same date. Besides, we also wanted to postpone our series for a few days just for the sake of it. Actually we pulled of the stunt, save for a stern stand of the maths teachers and had to write the maths exam on monday itself which ended up a disaster.(which, no doubt, would've been the same any given time,save a few)
Another speciality about Chrysalis '07 is mech freshers after almost a gap of 5 or somethin years. I said 5 or something because none of our seniors remember seeing a mech freshers day(they're here for 4 yrs)
Since there's nothing much to write on the answer sheets, we'd a lotta people outside soon after the 'commencement' of the exam that we never felt the lack of manpower. Besides, the whole of S5 and S7 were there, actively making it a festival on its own. Our seniors had also prepared a flux which they displayed proudly near our department proclaiming us, The ROYAL MECHs. Also among all this commotion, two of my friends, who'd gone to town to get some designer letters to make up our CHRYSALIS ended up with an empty tank in the middle of nowhere(now petrol pumps in the vicinity :D) The rest you can imagine.
At sharp 12.30, the melam started. Amid the noise and dance, we'd a nice time jumping to the tunes.(i don't daresay dance. it'll be an insult to dancers :D). And thanks to our seniors, the crackers(bombs??) were awesome. And a surprising display rescuing our balloons flying to the sun. The 1&2's were taken to the prestigious eastern amphi at 1 amid the cheers and melams and the proceedings began.
We divided them into five groups FITTING, CARPENTRY, FOUNDRY, SMITHY and WELDING, which was a tribute to the famous 1&2 exclusive mechanical workshops. Our head of the department most respected Prof.VijayanRaja sir delivered the opening address telling us about the importance of good junior-senior differences, the great histories and traditions of our department and the show got rolling. He was followed by our beloved C.P.SunilKumar sir, with his usual smile and sharp tongue. Tharun did the talking for the seniors and it's rock and roll time.
The whole lot of items kept in store for the dat began and it's pure fun. First on the cards was the dumbsharas round, unearthing common captions of famous brands. Then came a song by our lateral entry 'chettans' who really won our heart not only with their singing, but also with their conduct.Then we'd a round of anthakshari made sweet by the voices of arshad and anees and also the whole hearted singing of our juniors.
After the anthakshari, our dear Latha Maam came on stage and she's all praise for S3.:D. She called us a vibrant, dynamic, nice batch, the best batch she had in her life by any standards. Well, thank you maam, and i can't agree with you more. You may think i'm self praising, but the fact is, you'll never have such a batch again. God help you.
Then we'd a round of scrambling and our juniors did a nice work there too.If i don't mention the announcing of the results after each round, it'll be an injustice to the most rocking team of the day. Each time we announced the score, this particular team greeted their score with a loud cheerful "THOTTITILLA THOTTITILLA, THOTTA CHARITHRAM KETTITILLA". They did a nice job in that. The scrambling over and we'd our surprise, the mech launcher ready. Since it's a name coined by our programme committee, lemme explain a bit in detail.The round consisted of making paper planes or rockets(in the lecture class standard) with the provided newspapers and flying them into a 2x2 box at a certain distance. The teams enjoyed it and thanks to the aim, we're hit almost on a regular basis wherever we stood.Nice aim guys and gals. We also had some occasional paper balls from here and there in the good spirit. Guess the 1&2'S will learn better mechanics and aerodynamics next time.
Then it's turn for anybody with not talent, but mindset on stage. But we'd a lotta talents there also.
This's a real rocker
1&2's had their share of fun.
This's the mech spirit
Pumping the spirit, S7 Sinesh
Friday, December 07, 2007
sab bhagvan ki maya...
Well, if i put it like that, it'll be an understatement. Our team has shown some really good cricket this week. Unless my memory is failing me, we've beaten chemicals and compsciez twice. Compsciez claim it's there B team,but i feel it's the losers side. Any ways, the ROYAL cup is coming up next week, and i hope we can keep the spirits up and keep the momentum going.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
I'm happy i wrote that exam

Today is a day which'll be there in my mind for a really long time. We'd a get together by our dear Latha ma'am to congratulate our toppers. And also, today is special because, it's our first conducted class of s4 and also we're entring that romm no:300 of ours after almost a month of mass cut and assorted activities.
Miss had announced a trophy for the highest in our class. And today she came with eight trophies, one each for the mech topper, third topper, chemistry topper, second topper and four centurions in mech in mechanics. And we mad most of the occasion. She also brought us some pedas which's really tasty.
Then we got on stage and the real show began. See for yourself.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Today i realized how hard is the job of commentators. We'd a match going with d chemicals and i thought i'd take up some commentary. Well, after 20 minutes, i wish i'd never started, though we won the match by a huge margin. Three cheers to my pals Munshi,Payis and SP rocking with the bat including two straight consecutive sixes from payis's bat and MS,Shiva,Sijo,Payis and Mamoo with the ball. I think the MOM should go to payis for his awesome perfomance with bat and ball. And the team as a whole(was there one?) just rocked..
Sunday, December 02, 2007
dhyuthi..... live fast.. live grand..
Dhyuthi '07 is over. For the GECiens, another golden feather to the cap. Three days of meticulous execution of a plan which materialized by the dedicated hard work and heartful co-operation of each and every GECien. The days of hardships faced to find the sponsors, sleepless nights spent infront of computers by some dedicated souls preparing everything from brouchers, posters, websites, videos and registration details. Those nightouts to town sticking posters. The days when every GECien, including girls set out to thrissur towns to compensate for the demand of manpower, painting the town with dhyuthi '07.
Hatz off to you one and all, who stood by, and with everything, for dhyuthi '07. Hatz off to those who put their heart and soul behind dhyuthi. Be it our student convener Madhavan, or the finance committee convener Sreejith, or the programme committee convener amal, or the volunteer committee afsal or our HOD vipin or alif or kd or sk or manoj or anish....... it's a never ending list.. Great show..
Hatz off to you one and all, who stood by, and with everything, for dhyuthi '07. Hatz off to those who put their heart and soul behind dhyuthi. Be it our student convener Madhavan, or the finance committee convener Sreejith, or the programme committee convener amal, or the volunteer committee afsal or our HOD vipin or alif or kd or sk or manoj or anish....... it's a never ending list.. Great show..
Ma resukts are out.. N yippe, i've a FULL PASS.. did u hear me? it's a full pass... i couldn't belive ma eyes.. luckly i didn't have an attack...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Call it a festival. Call it a cultural extravaganza. Call it a battle of artists. Call it a platform for excellence. It is DHYUTHI'07. GECcalls you all out there.

Come to the great soils which've been bearing the makers of history and society of their times.Feel the throb, feel the soul of GEC.

On 28th,29th and 30th November,2007
At Govt. Engg College, Thrissur

Come to the great soils which've been bearing the makers of history and society of their times.Feel the throb, feel the soul of GEC.
On 28th,29th and 30th November,2007
At Govt. Engg College, Thrissur
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Will any one answer?
Politics deals with policies.!? Is that so? Then as the future of tomorrow, shouldn't students be a part of that policy? Then why is the honourable High Court condemning polities in campuses?

Why the A.S.I at changanassery had to die? Was it because his killeres had some scores to settle with this man?Is tnat why he's brutally finished with a blow behind his head?

Was he killed owing to political motives? As the police claims, are those students the real killers? Isn't all this because of an election in the campus, that should've been all but a friendly competation between peers? Has it grown to such levels so as to kill? Then shouldn't politics be banned in campuses?
These are a few of the questions that crossed my mind going through some recent newspapers.I am sure many parents whose children are studying in colleges also tend to as these questions.Who are to be blamed?Can these questions go unanswered? Is there anybody answerable?
Why the A.S.I at changanassery had to die? Was it because his killeres had some scores to settle with this man?Is tnat why he's brutally finished with a blow behind his head?

Was he killed owing to political motives? As the police claims, are those students the real killers? Isn't all this because of an election in the campus, that should've been all but a friendly competation between peers? Has it grown to such levels so as to kill? Then shouldn't politics be banned in campuses?
These are a few of the questions that crossed my mind going through some recent newspapers.I am sure many parents whose children are studying in colleges also tend to as these questions.Who are to be blamed?Can these questions go unanswered? Is there anybody answerable?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Thursday and friday saw the annual students convention of the ISTE kerala chapte,being conducted at SAINTGITS Engineering college. Situated 30 minutes drive from kottayam, into the remote region of pattumattam,more near to changanacherry.I part of the 50 or so team from our college,set out on the early hours of thursday on our college bus.
We reached reached saintgits after a 5 hour tiring journey. Most had a peaceful sleep as we'd started at 5.15.
We're warmly welcomed by the hosts and we're quickly ushered to attend the 'AGRAGANYA' the quiz competetion, while somebody took care of the registration.Those who didnt have any events the day jus started off in various directions(you know for what..!!).
One of our team got into the quiz finals but it went uneventful.(ha ha... ya. we didn't get a thing yhere). After some time, the finals of the SAMVAD, the technical debate took place and our team got into the last two after a round of heated debating.We did superb in the finals too, but the judges felt otherwise.We'd to be contented with the second place.
Then there's a variety of cultural shows(the variety limiting to dance n song) n a rock perfomance by the school band.We also had a stumpous dinner(comprising of chiken biriyani)adding to the splendour of the cultural show.
We'd a litttle photo session after dinner to ourselves n reached some nondescriptive room in a theological institute.That's truly annoying as we'd hoped to make a little(you know how much) noise n cry. We're specifically asked to zip the lips since there're priests and nuns around. We'd to be content with playing cards the night.
Next day started at7.30, by which time, all had gotten ready to leave(very surprising..:) ) Breakfast by the hosts and another exciting day kicked off.
On all the events that took place that day, we just rocked. We won prizes in all the project presentation events including first in civil and computer and second in electronics and mechanical.
Of the six teams for software debuggin, we'd a representation of four, and for circuit debuggig, it's three of four.KRITYA, the hunt for the best manager, we'd four out of ten.
And the KRITYA, the hunt for best manager was a trreat for us all. One of our friend, VP got into the finals where he's made to dance to the famous 'OMANAPPUZHA KADAPPURATHIN' from 'CHANDUPOTTU'. Really enjoyed the fun.I've got a video of it.The problem is i've got a threat on my image. He's promised to put up my morph in one month from the date of releasing of the video on the net.
And at the closure, the hosts gave us a special gift for the colllege with maximum participation.TWO CRYSTAL BOWLS.And the event ended.
All in all it's two days of nice entertainment in all ways. Feast for the eyes, mind, and brain. I also should mention the wonderful hospitality of saintgits. They are really superb. HATS OFF TO YOU, SAINTGITS.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This is too much
It's a beautiful afternoon. The sun is low and the wind is nice. And 47 of us(dat's gr8.I never saw this much attendence in this hour) poor souls are struck in the class on such a nice day. The first two benchers being active enough saves us the trouble from sir. I think he's happy with whatever attention he's getting. Enought to keep him going for a full two hours.. U may be wondering who's this gem of a man. This's our mechanics of solids class.
Looking around the class, all i can see is active mobiles or drooping eyes. Oh n yes, behind me, sethu is writing a poem to get rid of his boredom. And i found the best time to be on my blog.
And the great news is our dear thara(a.k.a kozhi) is back from home after a cycle accident two weeks back, in which he bruised his legs and face in what's called the bitter way. But he's now back with glamour which exceeded our expectations by a huge margin.
Muthappa has asked me to be a part of the team to St.Geets for some programme there. That solves the problem of lab exam tomorrow, besides giving me six hours of attendence for doing practically nothing. When i say that, don't misunderstand that i always get attendence in class doing some great work. All the work i do is being present in class, which for me, and for many of my classmates, is a job in itself.
Sidhu made a shocking revelation half an hour ago form pachu's mobile. A message from u know who asking to call from landline. You may feel what's so great about it. Belive me when i say it, it's a news in itself.
Mobile battery's running low and gotta stop.. Will be back with more news form class
Looking around the class, all i can see is active mobiles or drooping eyes. Oh n yes, behind me, sethu is writing a poem to get rid of his boredom. And i found the best time to be on my blog.
And the great news is our dear thara(a.k.a kozhi) is back from home after a cycle accident two weeks back, in which he bruised his legs and face in what's called the bitter way. But he's now back with glamour which exceeded our expectations by a huge margin.
Muthappa has asked me to be a part of the team to St.Geets for some programme there. That solves the problem of lab exam tomorrow, besides giving me six hours of attendence for doing practically nothing. When i say that, don't misunderstand that i always get attendence in class doing some great work. All the work i do is being present in class, which for me, and for many of my classmates, is a job in itself.
Sidhu made a shocking revelation half an hour ago form pachu's mobile. A message from u know who asking to call from landline. You may feel what's so great about it. Belive me when i say it, it's a news in itself.
Mobile battery's running low and gotta stop.. Will be back with more news form class
Friday, October 19, 2007
Shall we be on the computer?
It is the much awaited pooja holidays.Everybody is in a hurry to keep their books for pooja(talking about students). Those who(in our terms) have been to the temple only to see those beautiful chicks are in a rush to keep the books to pooja.It's time for some 'time'. A time away from all the hectic schedule of classes and tutions. Some time off to playing freely.oops! not forgetting praying to god. Sorry. cutting the rubbish, are computers also to be kept for pooja? As in are we allowed to play on the computer during these days? It is that everybody keeps their tools for pooja.. and for students it is books. Rather it was.And it was the only. Is it now? I dont think so. And i hope most of you will agree with me on this. Then is it decent(in front of the gods,to whom we seeks blessings with our books) to be hoked on to the computer because you can't touch the books? Is it correct to be hooked on to the computer because it's the only time when your parents are not screaming on top of their voices asking you to study?
P.S: RD, this is dedicated for you..
P.S: RD, this is dedicated for you..
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Last year on the same day, i set out to begin a task,which i recon now(with a year's experiance) herculien, in the laps of the great gec-tcr.Yes, it's a year today to my mighty efforts,with special thanks to my parents n teachers not to forget my friends.And being in a batch which wants to set it's on mark in the pages of GEC-ien history, it's been really an achievement to be here now.

The day in college begin with unusual greetings to all thanking each other and congratulating on the achievement standing in S3. The only man who fell in the race was Thithoka, enjoyin his time with 3 mech-rani's in S1 ME-B.And alas, we'd the first two hours off(which we planned to mass scoot any way) thanks to our E.T sir.

A walk to the gallery took us 3 minytes n we sat there cherishing the good times of the year past spent in thise beautiful galleries.The day also gave us surprise by bringing some poor souls (who are to appear for lab exams at noon) into our midst bringing us some tears for them.

We were shortly joined by our own dear batchmates of mech-A and wat followed was a fierce battle with bat and ball between who knows whom.!?! Only, some one won at last and we'd lot of fun cheering.

Back to class at 11 and the day become usual dull monotonous boring self.
The day in college begin with unusual greetings to all thanking each other and congratulating on the achievement standing in S3. The only man who fell in the race was Thithoka, enjoyin his time with 3 mech-rani's in S1 ME-B.And alas, we'd the first two hours off(which we planned to mass scoot any way) thanks to our E.T sir.
A walk to the gallery took us 3 minytes n we sat there cherishing the good times of the year past spent in thise beautiful galleries.The day also gave us surprise by bringing some poor souls (who are to appear for lab exams at noon) into our midst bringing us some tears for them.
We were shortly joined by our own dear batchmates of mech-A and wat followed was a fierce battle with bat and ball between who knows whom.!?! Only, some one won at last and we'd lot of fun cheering.
Back to class at 11 and the day become usual dull monotonous boring self.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Today's a day worth it. We'd something called called cleaning(obviously meaning cuttin a great deal of grass), a programme organised by d NSS unit of our college i guess. Any ways it's lots of fun. Just worked good n had a real good time with our tutors.Even our fluid mechanics sir(who's a 'singam' in class) joined us in the fun with the spade. And another tutor going about snappin n the posin for photos itself was fun.
And then later in the afternoon, waded through the last two hour E.T class without managing to get caught sleeping.And, Ah..!! we submitted our E.T assingnment.. A whooping 46 out of 56 o the day of the deadline. It's quite an achievement u know, mechanical boys being so panctual.. It made me think our sir's kind of astonished.. I think i saw that look on hia face...
And then later in the afternoon, waded through the last two hour E.T class without managing to get caught sleeping.And, Ah..!! we submitted our E.T assingnment.. A whooping 46 out of 56 o the day of the deadline. It's quite an achievement u know, mechanical boys being so panctual.. It made me think our sir's kind of astonished.. I think i saw that look on hia face...
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Call it a day..!!
Today, when i opened my eyes at 5, i thought it'll b a day as any other day. But that's not what happened. Soon after opening my eves at 5, i closed it again, only to be awakened by my grandmother's call at 8:30. Then i decided the first hour will've to go. Had a brush and bath by nine and then i decided t grab a minute of tv. N then sat there till 11 on a movie.
And when i finally got on road, it's d most pleasing of a sight that greeted me. The famed MG road, blocked like hell, even from the pocket roads.Don't ask me what's so pleasing about the entire road being blocked... U wont believe it, the corporation( best guess) was patching the roads. And people, it's a sight in itself, the traffic being outright struck from 'shankarayya junction' to 'naduvilal'. Even though MG road is famed for it's blocks, it's the first time i'm seeing a block of this magnitude here.And the line buses changed route due to this block and it made me walk till 'ragam'.( :(.. poor me, walking almost 2 km in that hot sun).
And by evening, almost 90% of the potholes in MG road are gone. Isn't that wonderful? I'm very happy that the government made a move at least now. It's been ages since the road gave anyone a good ride.
And when i finally got on road, it's d most pleasing of a sight that greeted me. The famed MG road, blocked like hell, even from the pocket roads.Don't ask me what's so pleasing about the entire road being blocked... U wont believe it, the corporation( best guess) was patching the roads. And people, it's a sight in itself, the traffic being outright struck from 'shankarayya junction' to 'naduvilal'. Even though MG road is famed for it's blocks, it's the first time i'm seeing a block of this magnitude here.And the line buses changed route due to this block and it made me walk till 'ragam'.( :(.. poor me, walking almost 2 km in that hot sun).
And by evening, almost 90% of the potholes in MG road are gone. Isn't that wonderful? I'm very happy that the government made a move at least now. It's been ages since the road gave anyone a good ride.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Some late updates..
By d way, goin thru ma older posts, i saw a post " d heat is on" tellin u a'bt declaration of a series in d first yr... n then i forgot to inform u of some other big sharks in dis small pond.... i've (so do another 509 of ma batchmates) successfully(oops..!!! read it as, gave d invigilator d answer paper back) compleated an UNIVERSITY exam.. ha ha...did u hear dat? n university exam..!!! ny way, next's not up till late january i guess.. till then playin wid all d small fishes lyk series n class tests..
Recently, some of my friends while on a get together, asked me to check some blogs, which were obviously written by my friends. Seeing all their valient efforts i made up my mind to spend some of my time to make this (my) blog a bit active. After all, nobody's above jealousy right?
Thursday, May 03, 2007
hi's a long time na....
sry.... wuz really buzy.. still am.... d worries of a poor engineering students...;-)
really busy these days.... exams r almost declared... i mean our university na....dey sometimes on d mrng of d examinations say d exams r postpon to some other date.. he he... really funny's like it..:-( so i jus took a min off to tell u ppl all these things.... n...oops!!!!!!!! we'd gone on a tour n forgot to tell u ppl a'bt it... nyway i'd posted some snaps for u ppl to c.... to tell u frankly we all really enjoyed it.... 2 days rockin widout ny sort of control n all..... i'll post some more if time n chance permits..... n ah..!!!!!!!!!11 technically ma 1st yr is over..... lo0lz.... hurrey.... n u ppl me gonna b in d exam hall soon....Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! plz don't...... all ryt...i'll face it.... so gotta prepare... c ya all later...
really busy these days.... exams r almost declared... i mean our university na....dey sometimes on d mrng of d examinations say d exams r postpon to some other date.. he he... really funny's like it..:-( so i jus took a min off to tell u ppl all these things.... n...oops!!!!!!!! we'd gone on a tour n forgot to tell u ppl a'bt it... nyway i'd posted some snaps for u ppl to c.... to tell u frankly we all really enjoyed it.... 2 days rockin widout ny sort of control n all..... i'll post some more if time n chance permits..... n ah..!!!!!!!!!11 technically ma 1st yr is over..... lo0lz.... hurrey.... n u ppl me gonna b in d exam hall soon....Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! plz don't...... all ryt...i'll face it.... so gotta prepare... c ya all later...
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