Wiki told me that "A chrysalis (Latin chrysallis, from Greek χρυσαλλίς = chrysallís, pl: chrysalides) or nympha is the pupal stage of butterflies. The term is derived from the metallic gold-colouration found in the pupae of many butterflies referred to by the Greek term χρυσός (chrysós) for gold.".
You may ask who the 'we' here is. The 'we' i'm referring to is the one and the only MECHANICAL ENGINEERING department of the Government Engineering College, Thrissur.
The story behind the whole program is so confusing and hateful that i am compelled to bypass the episode for my reader's sake. Anyway, after lots of the usual throwing mud at each other, we decided to conduct the program on monday, despite our series tests being scheduled for the same date. Besides, we also wanted to postpone our series for a few days just for the sake of it. Actually we pulled of the stunt, save for a stern stand of the maths teachers and had to write the maths exam on monday itself which ended up a disaster.(which, no doubt, would've been the same any given time,save a few)
Another speciality about Chrysalis '07 is mech freshers after almost a gap of 5 or somethin years. I said 5 or something because none of our seniors remember seeing a mech freshers day(they're here for 4 yrs)
Since there's nothing much to write on the answer sheets, we'd a lotta people outside soon after the 'commencement' of the exam that we never felt the lack of manpower. Besides, the whole of S5 and S7 were there, actively making it a festival on its own. Our seniors had also prepared a flux which they displayed proudly near our department proclaiming us, The ROYAL MECHs. Also among all this commotion, two of my friends, who'd gone to town to get some designer letters to make up our CHRYSALIS ended up with an empty tank in the middle of nowhere(now petrol pumps in the vicinity :D) The rest you can imagine.
At sharp 12.30, the melam started. Amid the noise and dance, we'd a nice time jumping to the tunes.(i don't daresay dance. it'll be an insult to dancers :D). And thanks to our seniors, the crackers(bombs??) were awesome. And a surprising display rescuing our balloons flying to the sun. The 1&2's were taken to the prestigious eastern amphi at 1 amid the cheers and melams and the proceedings began.
We divided them into five groups FITTING, CARPENTRY, FOUNDRY, SMITHY and WELDING, which was a tribute to the famous 1&2 exclusive mechanical workshops. Our head of the department most respected Prof.VijayanRaja sir delivered the opening address telling us about the importance of good junior-senior differences, the great histories and traditions of our department and the show got rolling. He was followed by our beloved C.P.SunilKumar sir, with his usual smile and sharp tongue. Tharun did the talking for the seniors and it's rock and roll time.
The whole lot of items kept in store for the dat began and it's pure fun. First on the cards was the dumbsharas round, unearthing common captions of famous brands. Then came a song by our lateral entry 'chettans' who really won our heart not only with their singing, but also with their conduct.Then we'd a round of anthakshari made sweet by the voices of arshad and anees and also the whole hearted singing of our juniors.
After the anthakshari, our dear Latha Maam came on stage and she's all praise for S3.:D. She called us a vibrant, dynamic, nice batch, the best batch she had in her life by any standards. Well, thank you maam, and i can't agree with you more. You may think i'm self praising, but the fact is, you'll never have such a batch again. God help you.
Then we'd a round of scrambling and our juniors did a nice work there too.If i don't mention the announcing of the results after each round, it'll be an injustice to the most rocking team of the day. Each time we announced the score, this particular team greeted their score with a loud cheerful "THOTTITILLA THOTTITILLA, THOTTA CHARITHRAM KETTITILLA". They did a nice job in that. The scrambling over and we'd our surprise, the mech launcher ready. Since it's a name coined by our programme committee, lemme explain a bit in detail.The round consisted of making paper planes or rockets(in the lecture class standard) with the provided newspapers and flying them into a 2x2 box at a certain distance. The teams enjoyed it and thanks to the aim, we're hit almost on a regular basis wherever we stood.Nice aim guys and gals. We also had some occasional paper balls from here and there in the good spirit. Guess the 1&2'S will learn better mechanics and aerodynamics next time.
Then it's turn for anybody with not talent, but mindset on stage. But we'd a lotta talents there also.
This's a real rocker
1&2's had their share of fun.
This's the mech spirit
Pumping the spirit, S7 Sinesh
1 comment:
wonderful post ej
nice videos...
was waitn for this summary for a long time
efficient efforts put in to set up up this wonderful article
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