Today is a day which'll be there in my mind for a really long time. We'd a get together by our dear Latha ma'am to congratulate our toppers. And also, today is special because, it's our first conducted class of s4 and also we're entring that romm no:300 of ours after almost a month of mass cut and assorted activities.
Miss had announced a trophy for the highest in our class. And today she came with eight trophies, one each for the mech topper, third topper, chemistry topper, second topper and four centurions in mech in mechanics. And we mad most of the occasion. She also brought us some pedas which's really tasty.
Then we got on stage and the real show began. See for yourself.
Wow!! You're really lucky to have such a teacher.
How nicely she is singing!!
Congrats to all Royal Mechs...
So in masscut, you are competing with us?? :)
--Priya(representing Rocking Compsciz)
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Nivil, what's this??
Enthu patti ingane cheyyan?
sry priya..
i'd activated the word verification feature.. dat's why it came so i guess... sry for the interruption..
n about masscut, it's not a matter of competition, it's a matter of need... masscutting jus for the sake of it is not so enjoyable at times.
n recently, i think we've an urge to study at times(like sitting simply at d mech tree) and at times to scoot(while in class).. is dat a problem?
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