Ponnonam '08 in college, as always, was grand. The competitions included Pookalm
- Pookalam
- Chakkilottam
- Naaranga Spoon
- Panchagusthi
- Vadamvali etc

With the pookalam finished, the entire Royal MEx embarked on a procession befitting Royal MEx. Accompanied by Chendamelam and ilathalam and occasional bursts of good quality crackers, we rocked the college.
The entrance of the college was decorated by a magnificent floral by College Union, one for 'Mathrukam' and one depicting 'Che'.

The results of the pookalam competition came at 3. And sadly, we got only 3rd. But seeing the pookalam which got the second, we're really disheartened. We really deserved second. But, first was unanimous. Akhilesh and the chemicals really deserved it.
First prize. the gradient looked really superb in person

The Vadamvali(tug of war) was another affair. Of the 8 teams, 3 were mechanical teams viz, mechanical A, mechanical B, and 'veruthe oru team', which in fact was a team comprising of myself(please don't laugh), payis, niranjan, raju etc with naomboori and ms being the only able bodied ones. But we won the first match. I don't really remember against whom, but it was chaos after we won. nobody expected us to win. Not even ourselves. We were pitted with mechanical B team, which of course we lost.
Vadamvali for girls were also fought with the same vigour, which the LH team won in a closely fought row with the divyans.
The men's finals came down to mechanical A team Vs Mechanical team. Who won among them is not important, but the fact that our spirit won. Before the finals, i could see the A team captain Freddie, coaching the B team on having the perfect hand grip and the leg lock, a really curious sight.
The day came to an end by 8, filling all hearts with hopes for the next Onam. More sarees, more prizes and more fun.
Vadamvali for girls were also fought with the same vigour, which the LH team won in a closely fought row with the divyans.
The men's finals came down to mechanical A team Vs Mechanical team. Who won among them is not important, but the fact that our spirit won. Before the finals, i could see the A team captain Freddie, coaching the B team on having the perfect hand grip and the leg lock, a really curious sight.
The day came to an end by 8, filling all hearts with hopes for the next Onam. More sarees, more prizes and more fun.
അപ്പോള് നിങ്ങള് അടിച്ചു പൊളിക്കുകയാണല്ലേ...
അതെ.. വളരെ.. ഇതൊക്കെയല്ലേ ജീവിതത്തിലെ സന്തോഷങ്ങള്
Ormakale thirike tharunnathinu nandi
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